General Assembly

The General Assembly is the main governing body of the FEM.

It meets at least once a year to validate the Foundation’s main lines of operation and vote on all the general business motions presented on the agenda. It appoints the members of the Board of Directors, Advisory Council, Supervisory Board, and High Committee of Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders.

To ensure a wide ecclesial representation, fidelity to the Church’s Magisterium, and facilitate synergy in serving evangelization, the FEM’s General Assembly will progressively open up to 20-30 large Church institutions and major Christian media organizations who wish to contribute to the development of the Foundation. It is composed today of the 10 founding members and of 9 regular members who represent several Church movements:

The 10 founding members:

Mr. Jesus Colina
Mr. Olivier Bonnassies
Mr. Bruno Rivière de Précourt
Mr. Andrea Scorzoni
Mrs. Silvia Costantini
Mrs. Myriam Diez
Mr. Philippe Rollier
Mr. Jacques de La Bastide (Mary of Nazareth)
Mr. Vincent Montagne (Media-participations)
Fr. Laurent Fabre (Chemin Neuf Community)


The 9 regular members:

The Dominican Order, represented by Fr. Eric Salobir
The Order of Malta, represented by Dominique de La Rochefoucauld
The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, represented by Mons. Enrique Glennie
Heiligenkreuz Abbey, respresented by Fr. Killian & Fr. Johannes Paul (Austria)
Canal 21, represented by Julio Rimoldi (Argentina)
Fondation Ramon Pane, represented by Ricardo Grzona (Honduras)
Timothée Berthon (Exultet)
Daniel Facérias  (Diakonia of Beauty)
Jean-Louis Falcoz, General Secretary
Marco Frattini (AdEthic)
Pierre-Marie Morel (Emmanuel Community), President of the Supervisory Board
Father Paolo Padrini (IBreviary)